IUD Removal?

I’ve had my IUD for 2.5 years. While I’m definitely satisfied with the pregnancy protection (got engaged, married, and honeymooned without any possibility of a baby!), the cramping and side effects have made me miserable. Additionally, I’ll be finishing grad school and have an 8-month break before I can get a job in my field (education) after this November, so my husband and I are planning to ditch contraception for a little while and hope for the best! (The best = a baby, preferably in the late winter/early spring of 2021.)

I scheduled my annual “well woman” exam and Pap smear for 2 weeks from now, and I was wondering if anyone knows if they could maybe remove my IUD at the appointment. I mean, the doctor will be all up in there anyway, and it would save me another trip to the office... but I’m just wondering if they’d make me make a separate appointment for something that would probably take <5 minutes.

Has anyone had theirs removed at an annual exam? Or did you have to make a separate appointment? Just want to be prepared!