People in Birthing Room


The hospital I plan to deliver at allows 3 people in the room when you deliver if everything goes well and I’m able to deliver vaginally. My husband and I talked and we decided we only want him and I in the room when our daughter is born. I doubt my stepdaughters (18 &14) will want to be in there, but maybe we’d let them if they wanted.

Anyways, I knew my mom wasn’t going to take this news well when I told her. I finally told her yesterday while we were having lunch. I said to her “I’m just letting you know we want just the two of us in the room”. She looked at me and gave me a sassy “uh, okay”. I told her “I’m just letting you know now that’s how we want it to be”. She then got all upset and said to me “well, I don’t know why you keep wanting to exclude me from everything”.

There’s literally been nothing she’s been excluded from. I have no idea what’s she’s getting so bent out of shape about. I’m only 15 weeks, so it’s not like we’re very far into this pregnancy for her to have been “excluded” from. It’s getting frustrating to me.

She also keeps pestering me on how she wants to tell her sister and talk to people about me being pregnant. I’m not ready for my family to know just yet and she just won’t leave it alone.

I know she’s just probably excited, it’s her first grandchild, but I wish she’d just chill out. Anyone else have to deal with their mom being like this?