Does anyone use prefolds?

Ariel • 🤵👰 Mrs. MGR 5 January 2019 🤱 Mommy to MJR 2 October 2019 and ALMR October 2023 🤱

Hi, friends! We use (and love) our pocket cloth diapers from Alva Baby, Nora's Nursery, and Baby Goal. However, we were gifted some prefold diapers at our baby shower and they've been sitting on our baby's shelf ever since. I know they can be used as burp cloths, but we have plenty of those and don't really need to use them in that way. We'd like to at least try them and see if we like them.

So here's my question:

How do the covers work? Are there different sizes as baby grows? Also, where can I find them? Do you have any recommendations for brands, etc? We're not looking to spend a ton on covers just to try them out, so some more inexpensive brands would be ideal.

Thanks so much in advance!