
Alison, 🌈 👶🏻 born 7/26/19

My baby is six months old. I used to sleep amazing before having a child. Even during pregnancy I slept well. Well, I don’t know what’s happened to me but maybe waking up every few hours for the past six months has finally caught up with me. She’s just now starting to sleep long stretches 6-7 hours and I’m not. I went to bed at 8:30 tonight and naturally woke at 11:45 then I couldn’t fall back to sleep til 1:45. Woke up at 4:15am for no reason. Here it is almost 6am and I’m wide awake. My body must be so exhausted that I now can’t even sleep. I asked my ob for something and they wouldn’t give me anything bc they said I need to hear baby. My general practitioner said same thing but he did prescribe trazadone in case I need it but he said it could cause me to not wake up during the night. What do I do? Has anyone ever taken trazadone? I don’t want to take something that I’ll get addicted to. I also don’t want to not hear my baby. I take melatonin before bed it helps me fall asleep but not stay asleep I’m so upset I’m going through this and hope it passes. I’m going away tomorrow night and staying in a hotel alone bc I need a break but now I’m anxious I’ll be up all night too. 😩☹️