I think I used to be homophobic

When I was younger I was around a lot of close minded people/friends who didn’t believe people should love the same sex and would end up not being able to enter Heaven because of their sins(which is total BS but whatever).

I was raised by open minded parents and grandparents yet I remember having conversations with a specific friend and sort of agreeing with her that it was wrong for people to love the same sex(this was all before we learned about Transgender people but I’m sure they disagree with that too). But I always second guess myself about that topic because when I was younger I would agree with whatever someone wanted to do or say even if I didn’t want to do that or didn’t agree with what they would say because I wanted to “fit in”.

But now that I’m older and actually Bi, it’s weird to think if I was still around those close minded people/friends as much as I was back when I was younger, I don’t even know if I would of ever discovered that I was even attracted to girls too and just be open minded in general about not just the LGBTQ+ Community, but a whole butt load of other things. 

I miss those times at different points in my life but at the same time don’t because back then I basically did whatever my friends told me to do/did whatever they wanted to do/agree with whatever they had to say or I would say things I knew they would want to hear, because I was so afraid of losing them as friends because they would realize that I was boring or something. I had no self confidence or worth back then and even though I still don’t have much self confidence, I know I am worth SO much more and don’t let people tell me what to do, do things I don’t really want to do or agree with things people say just to fit in with people and to make friends. And I’m so happy I’m not really like anymore. Of course I had to learn how to not be like this through a very tough experience, but I’m glad I’ve changed or still am changing for the better.

That was just something I wanted to confess because it’s been on my mind a lot lately since I’ve come out to so many people(minus family) that I’m Bi because I’m not afraid of what they really have to think about me liking not just the opposite sex, but the same sex as well anymore.