I don’t get it:

Okay maybe I’m just overly sensitive about it or maybe I really am a horrible person. Back story: my fiancé has a 3 year old from a previous girlfriend. He has 50/50 custody of her so we have her half the week and she’s with her mom the other half of the week. I am currently 23 weeks along with my first baby. He has made it clear to me that my daughter will not be sleeping in our bed and she will only sleep in a crib or bassinet. His 3 year old is only allowed to sleep in the bed. I asked if someone could watch her for a couple days while I was in labor and so I could settle in at home with a new baby. He told me I was leaving her out and that me asking for it was selfish. I feel he doesn’t want our daughter, that he’s only worried about his daughter. I haven’t kept her out of anything that has to do with my pregnancy, I’ve included her in almost everything I do to prep for baby. I don’t have any hate against her I just feel really hurt I’m the situation. I feel like I’m being forced to treat his child better than mine. Maybe I’m just a horrible person but it’s just how things are.