Misscarage at 9 weeks

I'm still in disbelief and shock and don't know how to be. I started bleeding Friday night pretty heavy red blood I wasnt doing nothing unusual just standing around talking to my fiance when I felt it :( I said we were going to need to go to the ER as I was starting to get really bad cramps also. When we got to the ER we were rushed in right away as I hadn't had a first ultrasound yet and they were worried bub could have been in my tubes. I had my cervix checked to see if that was causing the bleeding but all was good. About 20 minutes later I got a bed in emergency any my pain was really kicking up so they were rushing to get me in for an ultrasound. Within 15 minutes we were taken down. I found out I lost my little bub I was meant to be 9 weeks 5 days roughly and measured somewhere in the 9 weeks with no heartbeat.

I couldn't cry or anything I was just emotionless and numb.

She didn't want to tell me exactly what day bub measured, I guess to spare anymore sadness :(

We got taken back to my bed in emergency and all I wanted to do was go home. They offered me 3 options as to help with with everything but I said Id rather just go home and let my body do it all naturally.

I'm confused with this misscarage :( I all but stopped bleeding Saturday morning and have only bled light old blood every now and then, no clotting at all or anything.

I've had previous misscarages before and all passed naturally within a couple of days constantly bled the whole time.

I've got one healthy boy who is 18 months and took years to conceive after the loss of our first son and many losses inbetween.

I bled at 7 weeks with my healthy boy and all was good until I had him.

I just don't understand why I've all but stopped bleeding and am feeling more pregnant now than when I did before :(

I have a hospital visit on Thursday to discuss what I'm going to do since everything has slowed down.

Has anyone had this happen before and not have to have a D and C?