So two days ago I had sex with this guy and afterwards he text me asking if I was on the pill. I told him not anymore why. He immediately said I WORE A CONDOM THE WHOLE TIME I SWEAR!!! I believe him because I saw him grab one and I saw it on him and felt it. But he insisted that I take plan B just to be safe. he even said he wore two condoms which again I believe because I saw the packets. It's been killing me as to why he was so worried about me taking the pill. I'm kinda scared that I might get pregnant, like I know I felt the condom on him the entire time and I didn't feel anything wet or warm in me when he came but I'm still freaking out a bit and my period won't start for another two weeks. When I got home an hour or so later I felt myself discharge and that makes me think that maybe it's his cum but I think I'm overthinking that as well because I should have felt it when I stood up, when I changed, when I was walking to my car, not an hour later so I'm thinking maybe it's mine. I feel kinda sick but I'm pretty sure that's because I'm overthinking this like I SAW THE CONDOM ON HIS DICK!! I don't know what to do I'm only 21 and I'm not ready!!!!!