help sti

So i found out i have chlamydia today and i haven’t been with anyone sexual since july and so i texted the last guy and told him that i had it to be nice and make sure he could get tested and he responded i have been tested recently and i am clean and basically said idk how u got it then. Obvi i know i can only get it through sex because of sexual liquids rather it was oral anal or regular sex ur has to be sex and i’m just confused on y he is saying this acting like i gave it to myself. he was also my ex and i just feel lied to, betrayed and stupid making him make me feel like i gave it to myself( which ik isn’t possible) and trusting he wasn’t sleeping with other people. I also was only having sex w him not sexual relationship w anyone else so ik i had to of gotten it from someone.

my mind just goes to he knew he had it got treated and never told me and is now lying about it or hasn’t actually been tested and is acting like he did.

Also since it was July and now it is January and i have just gotten treated i’m scared that it might have already affected my body for a ling term issue.