Hepatitis B


So recently I got blood work done to test my immunity to hepatitis B because I will be working in a hospital soon. My results came back inconsistent with immunity and my doctor said there is a chance i could have it. He also said it could just be that it’s been so long since I’ve have the vaccine that maybe I just needed a booster to show that I’m immune. So I got the booster shots and I have to wait a whole month to get tested again.

I have been freaking out because I am so so worried that I have it. I feel gross and embarrassed and I want to cry every time I think about it because I’m so scared of the long term affects. I have no idea where I would have gotten it as I have only slept with my bf of 5 1/2 years and he’s only slept with me. Ever since finding this out I’ve been so scared to have sex with him because I don’t want to spread anything and I feel so bad. I also have tattoos and piercings but I’ve gone to clean places that I trust and my family also goes to. Has anyone else ever experienced this or have hepatitis B? I know it’s not really curable and I’m really scared.