i just got this done does it look infected ??


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Posted at
If you just got it done, it’s going to be red and tender for awhile. Mine too forever to heal. Keep cleaning it. Or call a piercer and find out the best protocol.


kaie • Jan 22, 2020
thanks !! 💙


Amber • Jan 21, 2020
I don’t know if they still make it but I used a salt water spray on mine. I was also 15 when I got mine done. I haven’t had a piecing in SO LONG, that’s why i suggested calling a piercer. See what they say is best.


kaie • Jan 21, 2020
thank you what did you use to keep it clean ?


Posted at
Please don’t use aquaphor or neosporin, or anything like that. They’re thick & slimy and can clog your piercing, not allowing it to breathe. It might have worked for a lucky few but it’s not recommended by professionals. Not all piercers are equal imo. Less is more! Wash 1x a day. Once. That’s all. Don’t touch it, don’t pick at it, and do not move the jewelry around while cleaning. If it moves by itself that’s okay, but do not force it as you will irritate it. The only exception to the 1x a day cleaning rule is if you enter a body of water or have done an activity that might dirty the piercing. In that case, wash 1x more after that activity. Avoid sleeping on it for a little and wear loose clothing. My piercer recommends Dr Bronner’s tea tree & castile soap. 2 drops in your palm, a few drops of water, make a nice lather. Put it on your piercing, let it sit for a little, then rinse of well. Pat dry with a paper towel(regular towels carry lots of bacteria).


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No. Just don’t touch it unless you’re cleaning it and religiously stay on top of sea salt soaks. Everyone I know who got a belly ring got infected except mine and I believe it’s cause I was very strict about keeping it clean.


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No. Make sure you're doing the warm salt water soaks.


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That bar is really short. I suggest getting a longer bar whenever I got mine done at sixteen (24 now and still have it) I got a bar that was a little bit longer and I never had this problem I also cleaned it three times a day with dial soap the foam up one none scented.


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No. You just got it done so it’s going to look like that.


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Salt warm water it will be fine do it every day until it heals


Ge • Jan 23, 2020
The swelling should go down


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Not infected, just raw. Make sure you clean it a ton, like at least 4c a day. Use aquaphor where the skin was pierced, this will help it heal. You only need to worry if you see puss or anything oozy.


Melissa • Jan 21, 2020
And to clean it, use a mild antibacterial soap, nothing too abrasive


Posted at
Looks so


Shanae • Jan 22, 2020
Oh didn't realize you just got it done. So no it should subside


kaie • Jan 21, 2020
do i need to take it out ??