Need advice


About 3 weeks ago Me and my Boyfriend and my two kids were in the car and my boyfriend had a bag of weed in the car. We were pulled over for improper use of turn signal, he was driving. And they searched the car cause they smelt it, but there's no way the smelt it. He had it contained well and I couldn't even smell it. But the police officers here know he smokes so they assumed. Anyways, he admitted to my boyfriend that he HAD used his turn signal, and that he just drove through a very druggy area. He is having to do 4 weekends in jail for child endangerment. Today we had court and because my kids were in the car they gave my parents temporary custody, but I still have custody if that makes sense. Basically I have to ask them before I take the kids anywhere. They also told me I am not allowed to have ANY contact with my boyfriend, and I'm also pregnant with his child. What should I do? I live I'm KY, weed is not legal here. We were not asked if he could search the car, and he pulled us over for no reason.