I need help 😫😭


I am 5 months pp with twins. I am a FTM and a new SAHM. I had talked to my husband before about how I feel so overwhelmed and just like a total failure. That was about 2months ago. Things are not getting any better. I feel like it does once in awhile, then I just feel worse. I feel horrible, I went off on my husband last night and he didn't deserve it. Yes, there are some legitimate reasons why I bet up set with him, but the way I went off wasn't right by any means at all. I don't know why I keep doing this, and it is driving both of us nuts. He says he feels like he is constantly walking on eggshells around me. I will be fine one minute then as soon as i start to get mad i go off the deep end. One extreme to another. It is terrible. I love my husband and my daughters with my whole heart and more. Not being able to control my emotions and anger is going to end up tearing us apart and that is not what I want. I don't have much interaction with other adults anymore. I live in the middle of the country. I feel so alone, like I have no friends anymore. I feel like no one cares about me anymore. I just feel totally and completely lost. My mind takes the simplest thing my husband says to me and twists it to I'm not doing enough. He never means it that way, but that's how I always take it. He asks me why I keep acting this way and I can't even give him an answer because I don't know why. I'm such a horrible wife, and feel like a horrible mom because I want some time away. 😭😭😭😭