

hello so i usually don’t use this app for my weight because i’m very self conscious and don’t like to be compared to people. but i’ve finally started to change my lifestyle for me to help my self confidence and overall health. i’m only almost 15 as of february 3rd.

i’ve always been big, i am big boned and i’m 5’11 so compared to most 14-15 year old girls i’m not 120lbs and 5’4 ( this is just based of my friends) i’m an only child and didn’t have much friends growing up and my parents god divorced when i was 7 so i was the outcast. because this food was my friend, only thing that made me feel better so i ate and ate and ate.

i’ve been bullied and made fun of my whole life, and i want to change. i don’t wanna feel this hate for my self as i do. the thoughts of ending it all because of how i feel about my self.

any how, what i actually came here for is that i went to the doctors just for a check up and was weighed she didn’t say really anything to me about it because of how upset i was. after that i knew i had to change.

(going to be using ? over the first digit of my weight because i’m not comfortable with that yet..)

on the 19th was ?68lbs and the app i’ve been using has told me to weigh myself everyday so i’ve been following that. on the 20th i was ?63.5lbs on the 21st i was ?61.1 and today i was ?59 originally with my ?68 the app told me i’d be ?42 by April but i’m already on the 50s..

i’ve been trying to eat all 3 meals a day (really trying to eat breakfast) and have only done a at home workout 2 this week.. overall it hasn’t even been a week yet but i’ve lost 9.3lbs.

my friends don’t really understand, so that’s why i’m here should i be worried?