First miscarriage


I really don’t know what group this goes in so sorry if it’s the wrong one. Today I went to find out the gender for my identical twins. The ultrasound tech, we went to a random clinic and not at a drs, told me to go to the hospital right away because she can’t detect any heart beats from both of them and no movement. After hours and hours of waiting at the hospital, they confirmed I lost both babies. I don’t even know how to express this. This is my first pregnancy, first miscarriage. I’ve felt so attached to them already at 13 weeks, had a crib, clothes, diapers bottles everything. I’m heartbroken. On top of everything my boyfriend broke up with me, one reason he said was he was only with my due to the pregnancy. That also hurts. I have no car because it broke a couple weeks ago and no job since he was supporting me while I went to school full time. I have literally nothing

No babies. No love of my life. No money and no car. I’m broken and numb. I’m so sorry for anyone else going thru something like this as well or if you already had