Implantation bleeding vs concern


My cycles have been about 30 days (maybe a little less cuz I never know when I really should start counting as I have spotting for a few days before first really heavy day) but nonetheless I had spotting yesterday (about 10 days left of cycle til I usually start “spotting before regular period). According to glow I’m only 4 DPO but could this be wrong? Could I have implanted before then and is this implantation bleeding? I always take pregnancy tests way to early cuz I worry about an ectopic pregnancy as I’ve had 2 years ago. Had a healthy pregnancy last year with 1 tube and now I’m anxious of waiting to get pregnant again. Should I just let things be and wait to test for another 10 days unless my bleeding picks up more before then? Give me your thoughts/experiences please!! ❤️❤️