I've got to vent!

Nicole • Mother, wife, surgical assistant. I have the unpopular opinion.

So when I was pregnant, I was full-time. I made a deal with my employer that I would go part-time after having my daughter, working three days a week (48 hours a paycheck) and whenever my doctor works. He works every Monday and Friday, therefore I do too, and a day in the middle of the week is thrown in.

I'm always trying to get excused or leave early because I ALWAYS have way too many hours! This past pay period I had 64 hours! Where I work, 72 hours is considered full-time, so I was just one shift away from full-time.

I am the only part-timer in my position. It doesn't make sense to me that my manager bothers making a schedule for me. She hadn't sent it out so I came in today (Thursday) because my doc's on call. I asked my charge nurse when he'd need me most next week and planned to come in that day. I told this to my manager and she sent me the schedule (with an explanation as to how to read it...as if I hadn't been doing that the past year. I understand how to read it, it simply wasn't given to me). One week she has me scheduled Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Like I said, my doc works Fridays...so that automatically means I'll work four days that week. This is not what we agreed to.

Also I constantly have to 'ask' if I can change my schedule because my doc's call schedule comes out at the beginning of the month whereas my manager makes the schedule for six weeks. They don't want to pay me call day during weekdays when I'm not here, and so I said I wouldn't be available for call unless I'm being paid for it. So we constantly have to change things around. Ugh, what is even the point. Let me handle it.