
Hi, girls. Okay, so I’m on the combined pill and I don’t believe that I’ve ever missed a dose. My periods are typically pretty regular and mild.

So if I had unprotected sex about a week and a half ago.. I can’t be pregnant, right?

There was no interior ejaculation (though it’s possible that some may have gotten inside), I didn’t orgasm, and I think I’m still experiencing PMS.

I can’t be pregnant, right?

I’m now a day late, but I’ve been stressing pretty hard. How late can stress make you? How much can it affect your cycle?

P.S. I’m pretty friggin sure my period is coming... at least I think so. My discharge is on it’s normal path and even has a slightly metallic smell now.

Someone please help me. Please. I’ve been dosing up on Aspirin to try to help my uterus along.

Please tell me that I can’t be pregnant.