Stones to me glass house

So, a couple of days ago my husband was talking on the phone with one of our friends when he walked into the room I was sitting in. Now, the friend he was talking with is very caring and only wants the best for people. I don't believe he knew he was on speaker phone or he wouldn't have said it outloud. They were talking about me and my health, which honestly, hasn't been great the last three and a half years, but is much better now.

A little backstory on me is I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and a lot of trouble gaining weight. The most I have ever weighed is 112 lb and that me was force-feeding myself to eat until my stomach hurt. I have been as low as 95 or 97 lb. It's not my choice to be that thin. I eat a lot and I eat very healthy foods. I just can't seem to hold on to body weight or fat. It's been this way my entire life. I struggled as a baby too. I am on specialized diet for my thyroid and feel so much better that its amazing! I feel like I'm 10 again, aside from a little trouble with stiff joints.

Well, the friend mentioned that if I were to get pregnant in my fragile state it would probably be very hard on me. He could only imagine if I accidentally had multiples. Or something like that.

Any way, multiples do run on both sides of our families, so it is a possibility, though I don't know how great of one.

We have been trying for a baby for over 5 years now and it's been a real struggle. I'm sitting here in my TWW feeling very crampy and praying AF takes a long walk off a short pier. I have only a day or so till I find out.

I told my husband after he hung up from the friend that I wasn't fragile, but apparently my husband believes that I am too. He told me that me believing that I'm not fragile is one of the driving forces to me being so healthy right now, so he said to keep believing that I am strong.

I feel that my confidence is shattered a bit or at least cracked. I dont see myself as fragile. I'm stronger because of what I've gone through.

Before anyone gets to upset with my husband's honesty I want to say that we have a very open relationship. We were both from families that didnt allow expression of our feelings and self. We share how we feel about ourselves all of the time and this is totally normal for us. I just was surprised that he feels I'm fragile because he hadn't mentioned it before. Hes the upfront and honest type. I wonder if the friend brought it up and he hadn't thought of it that way before? Anyway, I guess I just needed a little bit of support. Is there some ladies out here with anything similar that had some good out comes for making babies? Thanks for reading my long post and for any help you can give me.