Vvvvfl not getting darker

So, I started testing about 6 days ago. First 4 tests came back BFN on clinical guard strips and FRER. 2 days ago I started to get vvvvfl on FRERs and have gotten 4 so far but they aren't really getting darker. According to this app I still have 5 days until my period but according to my other app it's due tomorrow. I've been super nauseous all week, terrible headaches, hot flashes, and peeing very frequently. I just feel pregnant. Could it be that I'm just testing too early?

Also, I'm breastfeeding my almost 1 year old and my supply has dropped considerably. I usually pump about 6 oz each pumping session at work and it has now dropped to 3.5 oz if I'm lucky. I usually only have a drop of supply on the day that my period starts and the day that I ovulate. But this drop has been all week.