1 year eatting help!

I have a 1 year old that is very difficult. I constantly try to make her something she will eat and it never works. Shes sooo picky. She barely eats anything she takes a milk bottle before naps and night time. But how do I get her to eat. Its stressing me out! She would only eat veggie straws or puffs if I let her. She wont take baby food. Im lucky if I get in some chicken or toast in her. And if I do its ony a few bites. She loves cheese and yogurt before bedtime but like what am I suppose to do feed her cheese and yogurt all day?!?! I try new things multiple times and she just Cries and wants down. How do I ake sure she’s getting enough and healthy food. Shes killing me im bending over backwards and nothing’s working. Please help this mama out THANKS!!!!