Inclusivity and Support

Maddie • ⚖ Anti-White Supremacist⚖ 💪Feminist & Pro Choice💪

I cannot express the level of disappoint I have in <a href="">Eve</a>, that I even need to write this. But something needs to be done to improve the experience of transgender, gender non-conforming, non binary folks on this app. I do identify as a cis-gender woman so I can't say from personal experience, but there have been many posts and plees to <a href="">Eve</a> expressing that the language commonly used throughout this app is excluding and triggering. Not every human on this app tracking their period is a woman, and opening this app to read Hey Girl or Hey Ladies is something that they should not have to experience. I think it's time that you adopt some gender neutral greetings here are some suggestions instead of girl(s), ladie(s) etc. say...

Beautiful Human(s)



All Powerful Deitie(s)(instead of goddess)

Unstoppable Life Force(s)

Bleeding Heroe(s)

Wonderful Warrior(s)

Furious Fighter(s)

Shooting Star(s)


These are just a few suggestions but I know more are out there and I know more than greetings need to change but <a href="">Eve</a> needs to meet us half way.

<a href="">Eve</a>, will you makes more inclusive changes to the app?

A lot more can be done to welcome, support, and validate the genderqueer and transgender communities. New year, new <a href="">eve</a>.