TTC after Ectopic


Hey beautiful ladies 👋🏾

So basically on 1/13 I found out I was havjng an ectopic pregnancy and my left tube ruptured. They took my whole tube in laparoscopic surgery.

They rushed me out of the hospital so fast I wasn’t really coherent enough to ask some questions when I left. I’ve been trying to get in touch with my doctor to ask but haven’t heard back. So i figured I would ask some of you ladies on here.

If you get your tube with the pregnancy in it removed, does your HCG drop back to 0 in a few hours, or does it take weeks like with the methotrexate?

About how long did it take you all to feel completely healed after surgery?

When did you start back being intimidate with your partner?

Do you all have any success stories on TTCing with one tube?

Thank you for your responses in advance 🥳