Anyone else?!?!?


Any one else have long cycles??? 😩😭🤦🏻‍♀️ 11DPO today and still have 4 days before my missed period. 😭 the wait is killing me!! I have been testing sense 7 DPO ( like a dumb-ass 😅) tested this morning (-) and tested just a bit ago on a 4 hour hold (-) thought I did see a faint line and my heart was racing but it’s I read that sometimes the dye can get stuck when it passing and make it seem like something. It was like a speck of pink on the very tip.

I promised myself that I will only test one more time tomorrow morning ( I only have one last Walmart cheapie) and if it’s (-) I will not test again until my period is 2 days late. I feel like now I’m just forcing myself to feel things I’m not and I need to just chill out.

Definitely going to get the Amazon test next cycle. I see why y’all get them now. 💸💸💸💸