Idk what to do anymore 😪

My SO is 14 years older than me and we’ve been together for almost 2 years. I’m 22 and he’s 36.

Up until a few months ago our sex life was amaaaaazing, he always lasted for 45 min-1 hr and was very passionate, and almost every single day! But now I don’t even feel attractive to him anymore because his sex drive is almost nonexistent.. he barely even kisses me anymore 💔 we’re doing good if he gives me 2 min morning sex once a week.. and there’s even been a couple times he came earlier than he was expecting (like literally within 10 seconds of going in). I know at a certain age men can get erectile dysfunction issues and low testosterone which seems like what it is.. i just don’t know how to help him. I want to be loving and support him but I am just so sexually frustrated, I feel like it’s my fault. And yea I know I can just pleasure myself more but it’s not the same, I need the intimacy, it’s distancing us from eachother I can feel it 😔

Ive tried everything.. walking around naked, lingerie, sending sexy pics, making little comments here and there that would normally get him in the mood.. ive even flat out asked him and he just rejects me. We’ve talked about it and he knows his body is not acting like it used to. He’s been depressed and changing jobs. But when the conversation comes up I always try to be understanding and even suggested natural ways to increase his energy and libido like Macca root but he just doesn’t have the desire to try anything to help. It’s like he’s ok with it being like this and it makes me even more upset 😥

I just want to be close with him again, I want to feel wanted and desired again... any advice? I’m desperate.