Please help me

Okay so I'll try keep this short.

My bestfriend was really close with my ex before she met me she had met him after we were broken up, I started talking to her because of drama between me and my ex. Quick backstory - my relationship with my ex was very abusive he was newly 16 and I was 13 when we met and started dating just like typical middle school relationship holding hands for me until he because really abusive and I stayed with him still until I was 15 in the time he took my virginity without my consent but I don't like to use the word rape because it hurts me to say he also did so many things to me that i wont say because i want to keep things short just know it was so bad i was in a mental hospital for months i tried to commit suicide and I'm still hurting and trying to recover. Anyway I got up the courage to tell her last year and she believed me and helped me but she still is bestfriends with him up to this day she knows everything like every detail but she still treats him like hes the perfect guy I dont want her to be friends with him because of everything he did but I know I cant control who shes friends with and when I tell her it hurts me a little she says " I met him before you just remember that and its complicated plus I still love him like a brother" idk can someone just tell me if I'm in the wrong and I should keep my mouth shut or what should I do ?