my parents are mad that i have a girlfriend, what should i do?

I’m 16 (f) and i’ve been dating this girl for about eight months now. i didn’t tell my parents because when i told them i liked her, they acted really weird about it. today, i was with my girlfriend and my mom texted me to come home because she had found out about it. she was mad because i didn’t tell her, but i explained to her that i didn’t feel like i could tell her because she made it seem like i couldn’t talk to her about it. she is now saying that we can’t spend the night anymore and we can’t see each other. she also said that i can’t get my license until she comes back from a trip that she’s going on, so i’m stuck at home. i know it would be wrong to sneak out and go to her house. i keep trying to talk to my mom about it, but she keeps walking away. i am so heart broken. i know i’m young, but she makes me so happy and i can’t imagine life without her. my parents have never made homophobic comments before, but their reaction to me being gay has made me feel so betrayed. they always made it seem like our home was a safe place to tell them anything, but now i’m not so sure. this was more of a rant than a questions, but what should i do?