My ex is blackmailing me with my nudes!!! Help!!!

My ex and I are juniors (I’m 16 and he’s 17) in high school and after dating for about a year and a half/two years, in the middle of November 2019, we broke up for good. We had been off and on for the past year and I honestly had been ready to break it off for a longtime, but I was too afraid to do it. And every time I tried, I would somehow always get sucked back in. It was a mess... stupid and immature, I know. But nonetheless, I am now in what I believe is a much healthier relationship with a guy I work with who has been my friend since the end of the summer of 2019. We met through a mutual friend and they kind of made me a part of their friend group at work. Eventually, a little bit before my (then) boyfriend and I broke up, he admitted to me that he was interested in me. I wasn’t very open about my relationship with my friends from work, so he didn’t know I was technically still in a relationship. We agreed to just stay friends for the time being, and see how things played out. Eventually, I broke up with my boyfriend and a couple weeks later, we found ourselves dating. I go to school with my ex, so I was seriously trying to keep it on the down-low for a while because I didn’t want him to harass me about having another boyfriend that wasn’t him, but obviously, I couldn’t hide it from him forever and eventually, he found out. So, long story short, he’s been legit harassing me for the past couple months now and I’m really starting to worry about my own safety. He’s done everything from repeatedly calling me from a number i literally cannot block, to following me around in and outside of school, trying to get me to talk to him. But here’s where it gets to the real problem... he called me yesterday basically telling me about how he talked to a few of the people I hangout with and said that they agreed with him that I’m “fake”and I’m “trying to fit in with the wrong crowd” and “they find me high-key annoying”. Now, he told me the names of these people and said if I tried to talk to them about what he told me, if I tried to talk to the faculty at school, or if i tried to talk to his parents about everything he’s been saying/doing to me, he would, and I quote, “find a way to fuck my life up”. Luckily my current boyfriend doesn’t have any social media, but he also threatened to send a video he has of me sucking him off to my boyfriend and possible others. I don’t know how he would do this since the only way he’d be able to was if he somehow got his phone number, but he said he’ll “find a way”. So now he’s literally blackmailing me with my child pornography and I don’t know who to talk to or how to handle it. I spoke to some of my close friends about it most of them said i should go to the police, but my boyfriend said that’s a little bit of a brash decision, at least for right now. I can’t try talking to my parents, his parents, or the principal about it because if I do, I don’t know what he might do. They can’t just take his phone and delete whatever stuff he might have by force, and they can’t ask him to delete it himself because then no one knows if he actually did it or not. I’m honestly afraid for my own well-being and I’ve been so paranoid lately. I don’t deserve this. I’ve been trying so hard not make the faculty at school come down super hard on him for the things he’s been saying/doing to me because a part of me still feels bad/is going to feel bad for him if he ends up getting in trouble or even possibly ruining his life over this. In an ideal, perfect world, I just wish we could be friends and if not that, at least just let go of all the drama and animosity towards each other so we could at least be cordial. I feel sick to my stomach every time I think about it, which is constantly... and I honestly don’t know what to do. Please help... any advice would be appreciated. Thank you... (P.S. I live in the state of PA, so if anyone has advice on something I might be able to do/can’t do that is specific to my state, that’d be great)