Febuary 1st baby decided he liked January more 🥰


On January 18th I had a very small amount of blood streaked through more of my mucus plug that I had been losing over the last two weeks. I had some contractions throughout the day but I had also been having them periodically throughout my third trimester and they would come and go in waves lasting a few hours 10 min apart so I didn’t pay much attention to any of that. We were having a snow storm that night so jokingly I told my husband that most likely the baby would come just bc it was going to be nasty out. We even checked in with our babysitter for our older son just in case.

Fast forward to that evening and I had sat down to watch tv and at 9:50 I felt a bit of a gush not much but enough where I stood up to go see what it was and as soon as I stood up my water broke. I still wasn’t having strong contractions they were like 10 minutes apart so I called to see if I should go into L&D yet or wait a bit. They said usually they have you wait a little bit for contractions to pick up but considering it was my second child, I had been having the contractions for days and the weather wasn’t that great they said to come in.

Got to the hospital at 11 and I was at 4cm still not felling many contractions so they said they would give me a couple hours to see if I progressed before giving me some pitocin to help move things along. At 3 I ended up with a low dose drip of pit. And things sped up very quickly I wanted to wait as long as possible for an epidural because I was afraid it would slow things down or wear off before I was ready. By time I asked for an epidural the contractions were pretty close and I barely had time to rest between them. It took an hour for the anesthesiologist to get there and while I was waiting I told my nurse I felt a lot of pressure so she checked and said it’s ok your at 8cm and assured me the epidural was almost ready. They just asked my husband to leave to room so I could get prepped for it and in the next contraction I said I needed to push the nurse looked under the sheet saying it was fine bc I had a bit more to go still and I was crowning she yelled for my husband and my baby was born in one push 😳. No dr., No epidural and almost no husband lol. Ari Bernard Was born 1/19/20 at 5:49, 7lbs 19.5 inches 💙