I literally took three different tests and bought a shit ton of them at target!! Lol mood!!

Each one I saw a line!

I tested at 8DPO but it was BFN because legit my boobs were hurting all day. I was feeling bummed out tbh because why else was my boobs hurting so bad? I was pregnant before so I knew it was the same feeling, just wasn’t sure!! My feet hurt the other day while standing for short a amount of time a couple days later, I peed so much these past few days and I legit felt like shit yesterday. I put two and two together and really decided to take one last test this morning and bam!

We tried this month and took it very seriously. It was the every other day scenario and the thing we did different was that I took prenatal’s, fertility tea, fertility candy drops and he took his!!

My mom said she doesn’t see the positive unless the lines are really red. I told her I’m 12 DPO right now!! Someone please tell me their experience. Lol this is all exciting and new to us!