1st preg at 30, extremly sour.


Ive always had this life that Ive wanted to plan and controll and the most high really showed me how much control I really have. I absolutely wanted twins starting out at 30 y.o and GUESS what, i got it. New home, new car, amazing husband and family, what else could I ask for. Finding out I was pregnsnt was excitinf and I rememeber mt 1st ultraousnd and I told my husband hurry up and lets go so i can see these twins. I just knew it. After that i started getting other feelings and in the back of mind something told me things are just too perfect and all good things come to an end. Long story short, I had to find out at a checkup that my babies no longer had a heartbeat. NO BLEEDING AND NO OTHER WARNING SIGNS BEADIES mtly gutt. (Damn my gutt) Im finally making ammends with what happened and this is my first time being able to get back on here and actually know how everyone feels. This is definitely not easy for anyone but I want to say ladies and gents please keep trying. Your soul is going to hurt but baby the sun will shine again and guess what YOU CAN BECOME PREGNANT. Now lets make it happen when you are ready again. My heart goes out to everyone and i hope that we all find peace. I hope no one takes this the wrong way because I didnt meant to. #VIRTUALHUGS