
So i am posting this anonymously because it's kind of embarrassing in a way? Idk but i just need y'all input or he is just some kind of unique individual. My baby daddy and i broke up. I basically do not trust him romantically anymore. I took and took and i am basically DONE. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant. Last week...he basically stated i trapped him into getting pregnant. I should had been on birth control before marriage. It's MY responsibility to be on birth control. Etc etc. I was like WTF?! HOW DID I TRAP YOU?! i known him for 4 yrs. I NEVER been on birth control and HE KNEW about that. I never been on birth control because i dont want to put my body in those situations. ONLY birth control is basically condoms. BUT him and i never used condoms. The thing is...i dont even believe it's him talking BUT his mother. She was not okay once she found out i was pregnant. She was basically pissed at ME. Basically disrespecting for not being on birth control etc etc. So it was like deja Vu ALL OVER again. I get really emotional. I cried because him and his mother maybe his whole family thinks i "trapped" him. My daughter isn't his only child. He has a three yr old son. Anyone out there relate? Experience with the mom or baby daddy?

Thank you in advance.