Unplanned home delivery at 38 weeks

karolina • 👧🏻 2/11/2018 👧🏻 30/01/2020 🤰🏻03/05/2021

So I had a trickle at 1057am on Monday 20th January (very different to the waterfall of my waters breaking with my last baby). I started contracting pretty heavily but manageable; i decided to finish hospital bags, I went into Antonia’s room to grab something and woke her and she wouldn’t go back to sleep so I thought lunch time it is then. By the time lunch was over 1230ish, the contractions were furious but sporadic in timing. So I called my husband(he was at work) and said can you come? I think I will be fine but I think Antonia is going to need someone so he said ok I will leave at 130 and I said ok. Called him back at 1 and said no you need to leave ASAP this is progressing way quicker than I thought. 

So he got here at 2pm and a friend of ours who looks after Antonia from time to time got here a few minutes later so we could go to the hospital. She was also a midwife in a past life! 

At one point I said to her I’m not going to make it to the hospital, so between her and and my husband they called the paramedics. They were here at 230 and were just not keen to deliver baby 😂 bless them “umm do you think maybe you can get hold of your midwives”. So hubby finally gets through and they arrive 3ish. 

Paramedics leave and I start pushing round 4pmish (all setup in our master bedroom) And baby Elena was born at 522. 

I was going to get the injection for the placenta but I thought I’ve come this far without drugs and with the second contraction it came. 

I had a second degree tear which they were able to take care of as well which was fantastic; had it been anything higher I would’ve had to go into hospital. Which I’m so thankful I didn’t have to. 

She latched on right away and fed ferociously. Feeding every 2-4hours now and loving her sleep.

So thankful to God for a safe delivery at home which I never in a million years thought I would have.