I need someone to talk to


I'm going through alot I feel like it's not fair that I'm not getting pregnant I just want a baby to love and be there for I want to be a mom and it's killing me inside somedays I feel useless and worthless like I'm not gonna ever have a child four misscariges down the road and I still dont have my baby to hold gone through false positives negitives and negitive blood test as well as chemical pregnancys I hate PCOS I just want to rip my ovaries out of my body and be done with it because honestly I feel like it is never gonna happen for me I'm so done it's already bad enough that I'm losing my family because they are dieing on me and now I have to keep doing this and looking at negitive test over and over and over agian its killing me inside and no I don't want to talk to a screener or a councler or therapist and when people say I should it bothers me I just want someone to vent to is that so bad it is getting so bad to the point that I just want to be reincarnated into a women that can have kids it's so bad that I have lost all hope and faith in myself me and my fiance can't even have sex without it being serious it takes all the fun out of everything with trying and opks I don't even think they work for me I get so close and then it goes back down it has done it twice to me I want to curl in a ball and cry