I need a break!

I feel guilty for wanting a break... but I feel mentally and emotionally tired.

I’m an assistant teacher at a prek classroom and I also help out in the infant room, and I have a 10 month old baby. I bring her to daycare everyday, 30-45 min commute one way. (I leave the house every day around 8:15.. get to work at 9 and don’t leave till past 6pm)

When I get home around 7p, I cook some dinner(husband cooks sometimes but forgets to take stuff out freezer so by the time we eat its super late :( , I feed my daughter , I bathe her, she then spend some time with dad. Around 8pm I give her a bottle and put her to bed. Then I go take my shower and eat something.

My baby started sleeping through the night since New Years.. but before that, we were co sleeping and she would wake up about 2/3 times a night to nurse.. so back then I was also physically exhausted!

I just feel so bad because I want a break.. I’m always the one thinking about what the baby should eat, washing her laundry, organizing diaper bag for the next day etc.. my husband helps but he waits on me to make decisions or waits for me to do most of the stuff and all he gotta do at the end of the day is give her a bottle or something like that.. I do everything on the weekends, Im the one getting up early with the baby to give her breakfast and start our routine all over again.. I just wish he would say “ I got it, don’t worry.. just take the day for yourself”

I feel like a bad mom for wanting a break because I should enjoy doing things for my daughter but at the same time.. when Im the one doing most of the work everyday it stops being fun