So proud of myself


So none of my girlfriends are moms so I literally have nowhere to brag but I’m super proud of myself. My baby girl is six weeks old and is EBF. I’ve been pumping and storing ever since we came home from the hospital and I officially have a little over 1200 ounces in my deep freezer!!! With my first daughter I did the same but hardly had this much at this point. (I didnt drink any water back then) The whole breast-feeding thing was so difficult with my first daughter... I have found little tricks here and there that has helped me so much with my supply this time around and I’m so proud of myself for it. It’s pure dedication and it’s not easy... I push myself every day to keep going!!!

Here are a few things I do just in case you guys need a little push...

* pump every 3 hours

* drink ALOTTTTTT of water

* take fenugreek pills ( three times a day)

* rent a hospital grade pump (medela)

* drink a yummy chocolate flavor shake (milkflow)

* stay positive

* write down ounces pumped each time to stay positive and to keep track.

* time each session minimum 15 minutes

* have a show you watch on netflix on your phone so you can look forward to your pumping session ;)