How to help my friend come out 🏳️‍🌈


Hey guys! So I have my best guy friend that I have been best friends with since 4th grade. It’s always been a platonic relationship and growing up my family would make comments about him being gay, I truly didn’t think he was. In hindsight, he very obviously was (he would make comments and was never super interested in girls) but I just didn’t really pay attention. Anyway, when we were 17 his mom passed away, he was devastated and eventually became addicted to synthetic heroin. When he was 21 he was put in prison and did 5 years. We kept in contact and I was right there when he got out. One night during one of our wine nights, he admitted to me that he’s bisexual (he said he will sleep with a woman and doesn’t feel like grossed out but prefers men) and there was a guy he met in prison that encouraged him to at least come out to me because we’re best friends. Since then I have seen some very dark sides of what he’s dealing with. He’s very masculine and he cares a tremendous amount about what people think of him. There have been times I’ve truly thought he was going to end his life. Not because he said he was, just how he acted. It literally breaks my fucking heart for him because I can tell he, himself, is having a hard time with his sexuality. He’s an incredible person. Funny as hell and loyal. I wish he could see himself how I see him, I wish he felt like he could be himself. He’s said he wants to come out by next year but he goes back and forth about it. He said he wants to move somewhere where no one knows him and start fresh “as his true self”. It’s bringing me to tears just writing this because he’s so torn up inside. I even recommended he start therapy and he’s slowly getting on board but do you guys have any other recommendations? He knows that he will always have my unwavering support and love, but any ideas on how I can help him through would be greatly appreciated. He is like a brother to me and I love him so much, I just wanna see him be happy.