Not sure what to do

Every since being a stay at home mom when my daughter turned 6 months(now 2 1/2) my anxiety, thoughts or not sure what to call it has been very overwhelming. I can’t get in car without being a backseat driver ever, either saying slow down, watch out, be careful and thinking that we’ll get in a car crash and at night it’s just even worst. I have a million of different scenarios going through my head of my daughter running off, losing her (I never take my eyes off of her) and mainly scenarios that just give me fear. I’ve always been a person who cries at movies and shows but these past few months have just been more than usual. Two weeks ago there was a shooting at happened in front of where we live, we have a neighbor around 23 who had over 10 people daily all day hanging out, smoking and that night I carefully looked out because I heard arguing, within 5 minutes one thing lead to other and someone shot someone else. Well my mom has lived here for 3 years and nothing ever happened, that same night we walked over to her place to stay after talking with cops and ever since then I’ve just been on edge With any noise or talking I hear...I can’t seem to sleep at night like I used to. I think I have anxiety or I don’t know if it could be more than that but I don’t know exactly what to do or where to go