To young for love

Just want to rant

I’m 18 and I’m very mature for my age and I feel like guys my age just don’t be on what I’m on all the guys just be trying to have sex me and I don’t even put myself out there like that or they just be movin way too fast, we be talking one day and then the next they be trying to do too much...these guys just players if you don’t give em what they want they just drop you & I’m so ready to be blessed with a HEALTHY relationship that doesn’t feel like it’s forced I’m tryna grow with somebody... my family is good, I’m good, my money is good, God has been continuously blessing me I’m just waiting for that special someone I’m trying not to be impatient or ungrateful but it’s like damn how much longer do I have to wait 🥺I see everybody else happy and in love I wanna be like that❤️❤️❤️❤️