Sensory and creative activities


My sister gave me this broad developmental chart she used to use with her children that I loosely follow for ideas with my girl. One upcoming goal is scribbling with crayons which got me thinking...

First, anyone recommend any toddler safe crayons? Best practice to not have something destroyed? I imagine coloring in the high chair. I feel like she would just prefer to crumble the paper but I'm willing to try haha.

Second, it made me think of how I spend my time with her on the weekends once I'm done work. I'm a teacher and teach 6-7 classes a day, middle school, 3 grade levels (and oh I'm almost 14 weeks pregnant) and I am BEAT by the time I get home but I don't want that to impact her negatively.. Especially with it being so cold where we are now she's not even getting to experience walks and parks like before. I'd like to do some sort of fun, creative, sensory type activities that are age appropriate. Has anyone done anything like this so far?

Thanks in advance! Also product recommendations related to these things are appreciated 😊💕