breakup help

so my boyfriend is in grade 12 and i’m in 11 and basically he wants to take a year off the travel the world which i’m happy for him but that means we can’t be together because i can’t cope with long distance. we’ve been together for 6 months and he’s always talking about these trips. he’s been to india which i pushed through, now he wants to go to australia in march, and germany in july during our 1 year. this summer i need to work a lot to pay for my car and he’s going to be traveling and i don’t think i want to be in a relationship this summer just because of how much i need to work and i need that time to learn to have him not in my life before he’s gone permanently to university.

this is my first long relationship and i do love him and respect him i’m not trying to ghost him and pretend he’s didn’t exist, that’s not my intentions at all.

i just need some help and advice to breakups in a respectful way