I cannot get my son to nap and I feel like I’ve tried EVERYTHING! Any tips?

He’s 6.5 months (7 months in 2 weeks time) and is still only napping for 30 minute stretches (sometimes as little as 20 minutes). I was hoping his sleep would have regulated by now and he would have naturally napped longer but he isn’t.

I’ve tried helping him nap longer stretches by trying to settle him back to sleep after he wakes up but it’s a HUGE struggle and even if I do get him back down, he wakes up 5 minutes later. 😩

I’ve found that I can sometimes (it’s very hit or miss and works less times than more) get him to stay asleep if I rock him gently while he’s still in bed and asleep. But I feel like a mad woman doing this... sitting in his room in the dark waiting for him to just stir so I can rock him, hoping that it’ll do the trick and keep him snoozing. It’s also not ideal since I’d like to get things done while he naps, but I’m confined to the nursery if I do this.

We already have a nap routine in place with the usual - white noise music, black out blinds etc. etc.

His nighttime sleep is pretty good. Sometimes he sleeps through the night 10+ hrs but others he might wake up (he recently cut his first teeth and I think his second set are moving down so that might be causing the wakings). Sometimes he wakes up to eat other times it’s for a cuddle.

Today he napped for a total of 1 hour 29 minutes spread over 3 naps. He only sleeps around 11.5 hours at night so is only getting 13 hours of sleep over a 24 hr period. I know this isn’t enough.

I am not a fan of CIO and this just isn’t something I’m willing to try. But any other suggestions would be so so so appreciated!!!

Can anyone help a very stressed FTM?!