Budgeting advice!!


So I’m 21 years old & I have basically no credit/collections on my credit. I work full time but I only get paid $8 an hour and I get paid every two weeks. So my check at best after taxes is $547. I currently live with my grandparents but I’m so desperate to get out and be on my own. I’m currently paying on the collection bills to get them knocked off my credit & im thinking about investing in a credit card in order to build credit.

I currently only have 1 major bill which is my phone bill and it’s $137 a month plus I pay $80 a month (or more) on my collection bills. I have to factor out food, gas, & necessities for two weeks.

I am so desperate to start saving and trying to get out on my own but $8 is so hard to work with. I’m currently applying for second jobs around the clock. I just haven’t heard word back yet.

My boyfriend and I are looking at getting an apartment/house together. He works full time and makes $14 an hour so a fairly big difference in my paycheck. We don’t put our money together considering we’re not married. I somewhat like the thought of having a joint savings account since we’ve been serious for so long now but haven’t ran the idea past him yet.

Any advice on credit, budgeting with what I have, tips? Literally anything at this point would be helpful.