How do you women do it?


Are there any women out there with partners working 12 hour night shifts? I feel like a single parent and get very frustrated sometimes. It gives me so much anxiety during the day to try and keep the house quiet when he's sleeping and I just feel so irritated that he can't help out with our son. And then I feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed because he's the breadwinner. But what really gets me is the days he does have off he doesn't help out because he's sore or tired. Um... that's everyday for me. How do the rest of you deal? I'm reaching my breaking point and going insane with a teething, whiney 7 month old :(

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Frankly he just needs to step up and give you a break. My husband works Long days too and is the breadwinner but misses our daughter so much he would rather play with her than sleep. He’s always made it priority for me to get a break regardless how exhausted he is. Yes there are days where he does “tap out” but he always makes an effort with something else. I think you need to talk to your hubby and tell him you need a little more help!


Shannon • Jan 30, 2020
He does and he is still up with her between 1-7am if she is fussy. Yes there are some nights he says “babe I can’t” and I take over. At the end of the day we are both working are asses off!


Olivia • Jan 29, 2020
Unless your husband has worked midnights, it’s not that easy to just tell him to “step up”. People on midnights struggle even without children because everything they do is going against their natural biological clocks. People can fall really ill just from working midnights


Posted at
My husband works 4-packs (14 hours days and then nights) at a mine. The house staying quiet can be tough- but I purchase Google home’s for each major room and he plays spa music and I play music in whatever room myself & toddler are in. Same goes for our other 3 kiddos (though they are typically in school, and when they arrive home he is getting up for work). Plan all shopping an errands on those days, and go outside if it is nice out! I am honestly so grateful for what he is willing to work, that I rarely let it get to me. I am a professor and have cut back to part-time teaching (online only now), and I get endless time to soak up my kiddos development. For me, accommodating his work schedule doesn’t feel like a chore- it feels like being a team player for the best possible situation for our kids. If you are miserable- talk to him. But come at it as a teammate, with the priorities laid out. Good luck 💕


Posted at
My husband worked midnights for a year- when I was pregnant and then the first 3 months of baby’s life. It was horrible. I felt so torn each day feeling like “wake up and help me!!” And “you have hardly slept and work a hard job, go back to sleep”. I finally snapped and cried to him in the shower about how hard it is and thag I felt like a single parent and he requested a shift change at work and was approved thank God


Posted at
My husband works a stretch of 5 day shifts, then 4 or 5 days off, then 5 evenings, then 4 days off, then 5 nights then 5 days off. It is tough sometimes. I try and keep busy- take baby to visit my parents, my sister or my husband's parents. Even to walk around the mall. On his days off he gets up with our LO and let's me sleep in. We are lucky because we have a spare bedroom in our basement he sleeps in when he's working. The only time he sleeps in the room with me and our baby is on his days off. He needs rest to so his job and needs to be alert so this works for us and ensures he has enough sleep when working.


Posted at
My husbands about to go away M-F for 8 months for training 😩 starting to get emotional at the thought. We have an 8 year old & 3 month old


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Time for a career change