Which freaking IUD to get?


I want to be on birth control again but I just don’t want to deal with pills anymore. The last I was on a pill it made me violently sick.

I have endo and my doctor flat out told me that if I am not actively trying to get pregnant or pregnant that I NEED To be on birth control because if not, it will just give the endometriosis time to grow out of control. I believe him like I’m not debating that, he’s taken the time to figure out what’s going on with my body so I trust what he says. He recommends the highest hormonal IUD. I’m still not sure about IUDs they fucking scare me so I’m taking some time to think about it. He said that because it will be in my uterus not a lot of hormones from it will be in my blood stream meaning I’m not going to suffer the symptoms of the hormones like I did when I was on the pill.

He said it’s up to me what IUD I want, but the higher the hormones the better for my endometriosis.

I am just so hesitant. what are your experiences with the IUD (with hormones) if you’ve had one? Did you have negative side affects? Any advice or reviews on the IUDs are highly appreciated, I’ve set up an appointment in a week to get one unless I change my mind. I just need to decide which one to get.

Okay so Separate thing I wanna talk about. He told me that when I come to get the IUD that I need to bring someone to drive me home because some peoples blood pressure goes up when their cervix is messed with like that and I could be very dizzy and even pass out. I have someone coming with me but that made me a bit nervous. Did you pass out?