Anyone on here make a 6 figure salary and what do you do for a living??

I’m a college student just doing my basics right now. I have no idea what I want to do in life. I’ve never really had “that talent”... like some people know from a young age they are going to be doctors, engineers, nurses, etc. I have never been that person. There is no single thing I’m amazing at. I’m good at pretty much anything I put my mind to and work hard at, but I don’t think I was ever naturally just born with that one thing that I was “meant” to do, if that makes sense. What I know is I want a job where I make a lot of money. I know that sounds bad and money doesn’t buy happiness but I’m high maintenance. I like buying nice things. I like not having to worry over money. I like going on vacations. I do not see myself happy at a job/in life where I’m worrying about paying bills. So I need ideas to look into