Best way to find out a Tinder guy's intentions aside from asking?

So I pretty much hate tinder but I'm trying my best to give it a shot. Matched with this SUPER cute guy, like exactly my type. I never message first but I decided to bc yolo he was too good to pass up and we talked for quite a bit and definitely hit it off (as much as you can over text)!! We snapchat instead now and I can tell he kinda sucks with his phone. He's definitely flirty with me and has called me pretty/good looking a ton of times and made it pretty clear that he definitely wants to hang out/doesn't want me to be a stranger for too long. He actually seems sweet.

Now here's my issue. I know most people on tinder are looking for hookups, but I'm one of the weird few who isn't just looking for a random one night stand. I'd love to actually meet someone and maybe have it turn into a relationship if things go well, so I'm definitely looking for something a bit more serious. I have no idea what his intentions are, he hasn't been outwardly sexual or suggestive with me yet (which I think is good), but I genuinely have no idea if he's just looking for a hook up or something more serious. I don't really want to ask because I feel like in the past that's either made guys uncomfortable or driven them off a bit, but it'd definitely be nice to know where he's at before we (hopefully) hang out.

What should I be watching out for? How can I tell, short of actually asking?