Vitex ?

Will Vitex stop your period or make it come on late? This is my first month on Vitex and I started it on the day my last period started.

My cycles are regular anywhere from 25 to 27 days. I’m on cycle day 27 now and no sign of it coming. I only took it for 2 weeks the start day of my last period and up to the day of my positive OPK. Positive OPK on 14th and peak on the 15th and baby danced only on the 14th.

My cervix keeps getting higher to where I can barely reach it and have to try multiple times to reach it and it’s soft. I have increased creamy white cervical mucus. BUT FRER and 88 cent Walmart tests are still negative.

-I keep thinking about my son though because with him I had a false negative blood test 3 days after my missed period and my HCG level was a 6 at that time.

EDITED TO ADD- I’m breastfeeding and I only decided to take it because one of my close friends was breastfeeding and couldn’t become pregnant because of breastfeeding (which seems to be my issue too) she took it for one cycle and became pregnant and she researched Vitex a lot before deciding to take it.