Can being a stripper make you lose your kids?

My parents found out I’m a stripper, and they said they’re telling my kids father who I’m not with and they said they’re calling cps and getting lawyers to take my kids.... i live in Tennessee. Stripping isn’t illegal. I’ve never neglected my kids, i don’t do drugs, I’m not a prostitute... i have two kids who are 1 and 2. They told me my kids are in danger and I’m a mad mom and that they shouldn’t have to look up to a mom who’s a whore. My kids would never find out.... i was just doing it temporarily until i get on my feet. I’m 22 living with my dad and i have no car. I was trying to provide a better life for them. They said I’ll start doing drugs and said I’m gonna suck dick for money and all types of shit. My mom and dad are both extremely mentally unstable and have tons of issues and living with my dad is so toxic and i wanted a fast way out.

My dad even told me “since you think you’re so grown I’m gonna go to the club and you can do it in front of me since you think you’re grown”