Daughter snoring in car seat?


We just moved her over into the Graco 4ever car seat and she's snoring with every breath she takes in it. She never did that before and I'm worried about her being in it now. I've added a picture of how she's sleeping in it. I don't feel like it's comfortable for her but she's not fussing and I'm really just worried about the snoring possibly meaning she's not getting enough air. I can't get her to sit up more because she just slips down but she's too big for her car seat she was in. Tucking a folded bib to lift her chin helps her to stop snoring as much.


As I've been saying in the comments, I followed the manual and it said it should be below or just at her shoulders. I put it just at her shoulders because when I put it lower it's really low on her. I did adjust it down lower but she still looks uncomfortable to me so I'm going by the local fire department for help since my husband is at work right now.

Edit 2:

They said everything is perfect on the car seat but she's still snoring and I'm worried that her airway is constricted. She keeps sliding down so the straps are constantly just at her shoulders and I can't keep them below like everyone is saying.

Edit 3:

I've played around a bit with her seat and have been adjusting it and I MAY have found the spot that will work best for her and keep her head from slumping, but I'll have to double and triple check every time when putting her in just to be on the safe side. If this doesn't work for her when she's asleep I'll just get a new car seat and see if I can return this one.